GastropodsMarine Life The Fascinating “Bunny Slug”: The California Brown Sea Hare A member of the phylum Mollusca and class Gastropoda, the California brown sea hare is a cousin of both nudibranchs…Bonnie J. CardoneNovember 15, 2017
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals “My, What Long Pecs You Have” Identifying California’s Humpback Whales This is the third of three articles on how to identify whales commonly seen off…Bonnie J. CardoneJanuary 23, 2017
Marine LifeSharks & Rays Getting to Know Our Neighbors –The Blue Shark and Shortfin Mako Shark Marine researchers estimate that at least 34 species of sharks have been recorded off the Pacific Coast of North America.…Marty SnydermanJuly 11, 2016
FishMarine LifeMarine Life IdentificationSharks & Rays Cleverly Designed: About the Bat Ray, Pacific Electric Ray and Thornback Ray My success at photographing rays has hinged on chance. The ray(s) and I have been surprised to see each other…Bonnie J. CardoneJuly 10, 2016
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Way Cooler Than a Weasel: California’s Southern Sea Otter Since sea otters rarely spend any time on land most people will never see the lower part of them, which…Bonnie J. CardoneJune 11, 2016
FishMarine Life The Curious Reproduction Strategies of California Grunion That a fish would leave the water and fling itself onto a beach at night in order to produce future…Bonnie J. CardoneMay 11, 2016
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationSharks & Rays Fear and Fascination: Encountering the Great White Shark There is no fish in the sea more feared — or more fascinating — than the great white shark. In…Bonnie J. CardoneApril 11, 2016
Marine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Have You Seen a Sea Elephant? All About the Northern Elephant Seal This column is a departure from those I’ve done in the past because it features creatures I have never seen…Bonnie J. CardoneMarch 13, 2016
EditorialsEnvironmental IssuesNewsOpinions On Ocean Stewardship In early January, California got hit with a series of storms. With no dive lined up on a Saturday morning…Marty SnydermanMarch 13, 2016
CnidariaMarine LifeMarine Life Identification Simple, But Complicated: All About Aggregating Anemones They’re carnivores. And their harpoon-like tentacles are filled with powerful venom. If aggregating anemones grew bigger, divers would have reason…Bonnie J. CardoneFebruary 13, 2016