Diving Physics with Bubble Mechanics and Decompression Theory in Depth focuses on physics and associated mathematical relationships to diving. Basic principles are first presented, and then practical applications and results are detailed.

This book covers basic physics, gas laws, mixed gases and decompression, deep stops, decompression strategies and theory, recreational and technical RGBM Air & Nitrox Tables, computing and decompression algorithyms, operational diving and much more…

It is directed toward the diver and reader with a basic understanding of decompression. The targeted audience is the advanced diver, technical diver, commercial diver, diving instructor, hyperbaric technician and also the mathematician, engineer or biologist by training and also the underwater researcher, looking for greater detail.

Author Bruce Wienke is a Program Manager in the Nuclear Weapons Technology/Simulation and Computing Office at LANL. He contributes to decompression workshops, symposia, educational publications, and technical periodicals. He is the author of seven books, and over 200 technical journal articles.

The publisher is Best Publishing. For more information or to order, visit www.BestPub.com.