OpinionsSpecials Rescuing The Rescuer: Rescue Diving and Civil Liability This article is intended only as a general discussion of legal concepts without reference to any particular factual situation. It…Gordon B Crary, Esq.December 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Dive Gear We Wish They’d Invent God bless the dive gear makers. They are always coming up with something new, different, and "revolutionary!" Most of this…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Lessons Taught By and Early Winter Storm Winter diving in California can be great with fantastic water clarity but there are those days when you get "whopped…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 23, 2008
OpinionsSpecials Go From Catalina to Palau in 30 Minutes as a Volunteer Diver with the Aquarium of the Pacific I entered slowly so as not to cause too much commotion. I winced as a trickle of 63-degree water slid…Ken KurtisDecember 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Resolutions for the Diving Season: Why this Year Will Be Different Many "resolutions" were made (and broken) a long time ago at the turn of the new year. While I am…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Knowing It’s Always There; Always Wanting to Be There Looking over photos for this publication, I am often sucked right into the pictures. Those animals are out there, waiting…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Italian Family Diving There have been a lot of articles lately in the other dive magazines touting the benefits of diving with your…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Harvest Refugia Needed Now After diving California waters for nearly three decades I am amazed how resilient our local oceans can be. Humans and…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 23, 2008
EditorialsOpinions Senate Bill 1: Rigs to Reefs – Preserving California?s Thriving Artificial Reefs With many of California’s 27 offshore oil and gas platforms approaching decommissioning, much more is at stake than which landfill…Kevin SlagleDecember 22, 2008
EditorialsOpinions If It’s Tuesday, this Must Be Santa Cruz Island, Right? What we have here in Southern California is a total of eight Channel Islands (a southern group of four and…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 22, 2008