Many “resolutions” were made (and broken) a long time ago at the turn of the new year. While I am not willing to follow the turn of the calendar year, I do believe in the value of having annual goals or “resolutions” if you will. With spring and warmer weather soon on the way, diving becomes a greater interest. This year I am making diving a greater priority.

I will get wet more often and in different ways. First, I will simply dive more often. Hey, if some professional can have their mid-week “golf days,” I am going to do the same for diving. I am going to avail myself of one of the mid-week dive charter boat running from Ventura, San Diego and other ports. Perhaps every Wednesday will be my “Dive Day.” You can do the same. In San Diego, there are regularly scheduled 1/2 day boats, so San Diego divers don’t even need to commit to an entire day.

Or if you live close to the coast like me, take a half day or a long lunch for a beach dive. Keep the gear ready and go diving when conditions are good.

I am going to take a class. Now that’s something I’ve frankly not done in a long time! Underwater video interests me. And I suppose I could get a nitrox certification. Rebreathers might be fun, too.

I am going to get more social. I have frankly avoided joining any particular dive club in the past for political ramifications — I did not want to show favoritism. Now maybe I’ll join one or two. Politics be damned!

The year of 2002 is going to be a fun year of diving. I look forward to seeing all of you getting wet out there.