The Underwater Hunter course here in Sacramento (  is going great. Each student truly raves about the course and comes away with a better understanding of what is legal. The DFG Finfish and Shellfish Identification books really make a difference in teaching this course.

This is one of the divers on a recent Underwater Hunter class trip to the North Coast. Steve Jr. had to shoot this 27-pound Lingcod three times with a dinky 58cm Mares pneumatic speargun that he was using to shoot rockfish. After shooting a few rockfish, this big guy came out and almost made off with Steve’s stringer full of Rockfish. Steve was in 46 feet of water and the first two shots with a five-prong tip were simply shrugged off by the fish. It kept circling Steve, hoping to get his stringer full of fish away from him. The third shot was slightly from above which did the trick, and he was able to get this 42-inch long ling into the inflatable boat. He said there was another just as big, but it didn’t get close enough for a shot.

Best Fishes
Burnell Mercer