Sonoma County Abalone Network (S.C.A.N.) is a non-profit public service Corporation (501-c-3) dedicated to the protection of the north coastal marine environment and the wise management of the abalone resource. The main purpose is that of public education and raising awareness to the abalone resource and the damage that illegal activities (poaching) is causing. 

S.C.A.N. is a volunteer partner with the Department of Fish and Game and assists the department in roadside checkpoints and abalone “creel surveys.” During the prosecution of offenders, S.C.A.N. provides public support to the prosecution process. In addition S.C.A.N. is fighting against forces that wish to shorten both the abalone season and possession limit. 
S.C.A.N. is governed by a Board of Directors and welcomes members at large. For more information, visit online.