Operation Scuba Education &Rehabilitation for Veterans Empowerment (Operation S.E.R.V.E.) is a non-profit tax-exempt (501-C3) pending national organization chartered in the state of California. Operation S.E.R.V.E’s purpose is to empower our returning military veterans by promoting physical healing, uplifting lives and providing a lifelong level of success. Primary goal of Operation S.E.R.V.E. is to improve the lives of veterans with disabilities through the sport of Scuba diving.

Kick off of the official inauguation of Operation S.E.R.V.E. will be a Dive Rally and BBQ Funraiser at Veteran’s Park, 309 Esplande, Redondo Beach, CA, Saturday November 14.

Cost for event is $25 for divers, $10 for non-divers and $7.00 for retired veterans attending luncheon. Entrance includes dive, air refill, food and drinks compliment of Mexican Chipotle Grill. All Proceeds go to fund Operation S.E.R.V.E. events and veteran’s training events. Event Registration is at 7:00am-7:45am at the Operation S.E.R.V.E. booth.

The inaugural rally will start at 8 a.m. sharp with a opening ceremonies including color guard and the playing the National Anthem by horn and bagpipes followed by the hoisting the stars and stripes and the colors of the operation S.E.R.V.E. Flag Upon end of the ceremony the group will start the dive.

Lunch celebration  compliments of Mexican Chipotle Grill will commence promptly at noon followed the scuba prize raffles. Raffle tickets will be available for sale. Games will be played until event ends around 4 p.m. with the lowering of the flags with taps being playing in the background.

Contact Event Coordinator Vlad Ilinsky for more details and information. Please R.S.V.P. vilinsky@earthlink.net  or (818) 395-1606. Operation S.E.R.V.E. is on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter and on www.operation-serve.org.

Operation S.E.R.V.E. is a volunteer organization, which depends on freewill contributions and fundraising activities to continue its work. Your tax-deductible contributions are welcome.