Looking for a challenge? Then clear your winter schedule for the Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Department’s 2009 Underwater Instructor Certification Course (UICC). Started in 1954, UICC is the oldest and most respected instructor-training course in scuba today.

The current UICC program, the most thorough available in diving, is a 14-week course designed to challenge and prepare candidates to safely open the underwater world to new aqua-explorers. This singularly unique program features over 125 hours of intensive classroom, pool and ocean training from top diving experts.

The pre-test for 51 UICC will be held in mid-December with both a pool session and ocean check-out dive. Times and locations will be posted on lascuba.com. The formal program begins in January 3, 2009.

To register and get directions to the pre-test sites, contact the L.A. County Underwater Unit at (310) 965 8258 or visit www.lascuba.com online.