Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammalsRecent Articles Spotted “Sausages” and Beachmaster Bullies: California’s Pacific Harbor Seals and Northern Elephant Seals Harbor and elephant seals belong to a group of carnivorous mammals called pinnipeds, of which there are 35 species around…Karen StrausMay 8, 2023
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Seals Seen Outside Our Waters: The Atlantic Harbor Seal, the Southern Elephant Seal, and More Those of us who enjoy watching local harbor seals and elephant seals will be happy to know there are seal-sighting…Karen StrausMarch 12, 2023
Marine LifeMarine mammals They’re on the Move Again: Encountering Pacific Gray Whales I know of no other wildlife excursions where seeing an entire animal is rare and viewing parts of it are…Bonnie J. CardoneDecember 9, 2019
Marine LifeMarine mammalsMollusks Steller: How a Sea Lion, Sea Cow, Birds, a Mollusk and Plants Came to Share a Name A glass globe of the earth sitting in sand of a beach with waves crashing in the backgroundAs a diver,…Marty SnydermanJune 14, 2019
Marine LifeMarine mammals Mega Magic: The Magnificent Humpback Whales Humpback whales commonly grow to a length of close to 50 feet, and by the time they are adults, they…Marty SnydermanApril 4, 2018
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals “My, What Long Pecs You Have” Identifying California’s Humpback Whales This is the third of three articles on how to identify whales commonly seen off…Bonnie J. CardoneJanuary 23, 2017
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Way Cooler Than a Weasel: California’s Southern Sea Otter Since sea otters rarely spend any time on land most people will never see the lower part of them, which…Bonnie J. CardoneJune 11, 2016
Marine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Have You Seen a Sea Elephant? All About the Northern Elephant Seal This column is a departure from those I’ve done in the past because it features creatures I have never seen…Bonnie J. CardoneMarch 13, 2016
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Harboring a Soft Spot for The Harbor Seal Some marine creatures are easier to love than others. Two of my favorites are the little white sea urchins that…Bonnie J. CardoneSeptember 1, 2015
Marine LifeMarine Life IdentificationMarine mammals Awesome Nature: Predator Versus Prey There comes a time in the evolution of a diver, and particularly underwater photographers, when we graduate from reef scenics…Bruce WatkinsApril 28, 2015