Rocks, Reefs and Rips program (3Rs) is a mini-course designed to familiarize divers with popular beach dive sites and improve their beach diving skills. Summer sessions in the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area will take place: July 9 at Malaga Cove and August 13 at Point Dume. Sessions are also set for the San Diego area — July 9 at Goldfish Point (La Jolla Caves), July 23 at Pescadero, and Hospital Point on August 6. Additional workshops are planned at various locations for both areas through late summer and early fall.

Instructors will demonstrate and supervise proper surf entry and exit procedures, explain unique aspects of the dive site, and discuss dive condition assessment techniques. Participants are then led on a snorkeling tour of the dive site. Participants are to wear full wetsuit, gloves, booties, mask, fins, and snorkel. A weight belt is optional but only with half or less of the normal weight used for diving. Tanks and regulators are not allowed. For specific guidelines for each session visit the websites indicated below.
All classes begin at 8 a.m., but participants must arrive early for registration.
The Los Angeles area workshops are organized and conducted by the L.A. County Underwater Instructors Association. For more information on the L.A. County workshops, visit online The San Diego sessions are hosted by the San Diego Council of Divers and various dive clubs. For more information on the San Diego 3Rs, visit