The Cabrillo Whalewatch program is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to act as naturalists on whale watching trips and provides whale lectures at schools. Beginning Tuesday, October 6, 2009, Whalewatch training classes will be given in the John M. Olguin Auditorium at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. Classes will be held every Tuesday from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. through the end of March. Upon successful completion of training, volunteers will be officially certified Whalewatchers to share information about gray whales and other marine life.

Beginning December 26th, the volunteer naturalists will sign-up for a schedule of whale watching boats departing from local landings in Redondo Beach and San Pedro, as well as on-site visits to schools.

The Cabrillo Whalewatch program is co-sponsored by the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium and the American Cetacean Society/Los Angeles Chapter. The Cabrillo Whalewatch volunteer training classes are free and open to people college-aged and older. The only requirements for volunteers are: an interest in the ocean and whales, the desire to learn, the ability to share their knowledge with others.    

Cabrillo Marine Aquarium is located at 3720 Stephen M. White Drive in San Pedro and is a facility of the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. For further information please contact Larry Fukuhara, Program Director, at (310) 548-7562 x223