The King Harbor White Sea Bass (WSB) Grow Out Facility is looking for volunteers to help raise juvenile White Sea Bass. They are located on the SEA Lab property at 1021 N. Harbor Dr. Redondo Beach. The WSB recovery efforts have been going strong for the past decade from San Diego to Santa Barbara through private funding and volunteer efforts. WSB gill netting was banned in 1994.

This facility has two large above ground pools inside a huge tent that is home to 6,000 WSB smolts. These fish were born at the Hubbs research facility in Carlsbad, raised until about 4 inches long then trucked 100 miles to the Grow Out Facility. These young fish will be released in local ocean waters when they reach about 10 inches long in 5 months.
They are looking for volunteers to commit to one day per month for the next five months. The duties would entail removing any dead fish from the tanks, using a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the tank, hand feeding the fish if they will eat, fill out a logbook and check the auto feeder for food levels. All this should take a volunteer about 1.5 hours per month to complete.
If you would like to be a volunteer for a weekday or weekend position, please contact Joe Ryan for more information at 213-452-3679.