Since their release of the diver-focused social network “Me” pages, has connected hundreds of divers from around the world who share the same passion about scuba. From sharing photos, looking for buddies, to “searching for love,” divers enjoy interacting with other divers every day through this free diver webpage community. has now added new features aimed at offering more customizable tools in order to give more chances to meet new dive buddies or compare notes about common experiences among friends. 
New features added to the “Me” pages are the Dive Locations Map, My Dive Gear Listing, an Advanced Buddy Search, Custom Themes and revamped Status Updates. According to Bob Grundmeyer, an Instructor with, “Among the new features that have been added the Dive Locations Map is possibly the most exciting.” The Dive Locations Map is a fun and easy to use application that allows divers to showcase their diving locations with space to add notes and commentary about the adventure for others to enjoy. Dive locations are seen on a world map with pinpoints making it easy to see a summary of every dive. “Another great use is that it allows you to browse where other divers have been to get ideas for your next trip,” according to Bob.
More new additions to the “Me” pages are the My Dive Gear Listing and the Advanced Dive Buddy Search. The My Dive Gear Listing allows the diver to showcase their gear, complete with links to photos and product information about your gear. It allows the member to share information among “Me” page users about various pieces of equipment and get other users reviews or impressions of the equipment. The second new feature helps the member refine their search for a potential new dive buddy. Rather than a simple listing by location the “Me” page member can query using several categories that will assist in the finding another diver with more in common than just diving. has also added the ability to add Custom Themes to the page allowing each diver to show their personality in their own way. The member can choose from available themes, making their profile unique and possibly catch the eye of that one potential dive buddy that they don’t want to miss. 
Finally has added the ability to keep a list of friends and dive buddies up to date on what the user is doing today with the new Status Update. Here has given the diver a place to post their current status so all their diving buddies know exactly where they are and what they’re up to.
Taking advantage of a free membership to the diver “ME Pages” allows anyone to create their own personalized webpage, complete with the ability to upload photos personal information. Each member can choose a unique page name. Anyone with an account can interact with others by using the “Dive Slate” commenting system and users who complete their account can enter the Diver Webpage Contest for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate.
To take a look at’s improved “Me” pages, visit on the web.