PADI and The Underwater Channel, which is powered by Babelgum, have announced a new partnership that will bring scuba diving and ocean conservation video content to a global audience on

Babelgum, an established destination for high quality environmental programming and major independent film releases, powers the Underwater Channel.

“The Underwater Channel partnership with PADI provides us with an exceptional ally in our efforts to inspire and fascinate people with the wonders of the world’s oceans,” said Nicholas Claxton, founder and managing director of The Underwater Channel. “This is a relationship I have been nurturing together with Terry Cummins, vice-president of PADI Worldwide, for over two years, and there is so much potential for us to work together as internet video comes of age as a multi-cultural communication tool. Distribution via is only one application of this alliance, and we are looking forward to working with PADI for a long time to come.”

The is a free web TV channel dedicated to bringing the mysteries of the deep to the surface and communicating everything underwater. By bringing the experience of diving into people’s homes through a dedicated web TV channel, The fulfils a 24/7 need for divers to pursue their passion and tempt “armchair” divers out of their seats and into the watr.