This special event will begin at Ocean Cove, Sonoma County on the California’s North Coast. It is open to free divers only and current California Department of Fishing Game laws apply. Entry fees are $30 if preregistered and $40 day of event. To receive a free shirt you must preregister. 
All divers are required to fill out and turn in a waiver form and show current California fishing license and current 2010 abalone tags at sign in. All divers are required to register with at least one dive buddy. The check in and measuring for the abalone for the event will be held at the Ocean Cove Campground, 23125 Coast Highway One. Diving can be done anywhere along the Northern California Coast (except for designated preserves). Check in begins at 7 a.m. All divers must return to the checkout area by 2 p.m., no exceptions.
There will be awards (plaques) in several divisions. Additional festivities for the day include a beach cleanup and an abalone cook-off.
The Ocean Cove Big Ab competition promotes safe buddy diving and friendly competition. All divers should be in contact with their dive buddy/ies while in the water.
Proceeds will be donated to S.C.A.N. (Sonoma Co. Abalone Network). For more information, call 707-478-1504 or visit online.
This event is weather permitting, which will be determined on the day of the event. 
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