Bee Rock

In the fall and early winter you can sometimes get to dive sites normally too rough during other times of…
Dale Sheckler
December 8, 2008

San Carlos Beach

Monterey offers a great many dive sites that will satisfy all interests and skill levels from the newly certified to…
Bruce Watkins
December 8, 2008

Zuniga Point

Every year, I anxiously await the opening of lobster season. For months ahead, I look at the date circled on…
Todd Baldi
December 8, 2008

Platform Holly

An oil platform offers something for every diver, whether sightseer, photographer, game hunter or techie. It's also a special treat…
Bonnie J. Cardone
December 8, 2008

Richardson’s Rock

My suit compressed on the descent, and I compensated for the increasing negative buoyancy with gentle puffs into my BCD.…
Dale Sheckler
December 7, 2008

NOSC Tower Wreck

Those who have dived on the oil platforms know of the abundance of marine life that clings to the vertical…
Dale Sheckler
December 7, 2008

Local’s Ledge

When most divers think about diving the Monterey area, they think about the protected sites within the Monterey and Carmel…
Bruce Watkins
December 7, 2008