Sutil Pass

Sutil Pass is a narrow pinch point between two land masses—Santa Barbara Island proper and the large rock Sutil Island.…
Dale & Kim Sheckler
January 1, 2009

Shag Rock

It is halibut hunting time again and dive shops buzz with where the hot spots are for the big "flatties."…
Dale & Kim Sheckler
December 23, 2008

The Rookery

"But it's just a bunch of sand!!!"That's the most common complaint that we hear when we've done a dive in…
Ken Kurtis
December 3, 2008

Black Cavern

Santa Barbara Island (SBI) has an awful lot going for it. It's got sea lions (obviously—and probably its best-known feature)…
Ken Kurtis
December 3, 2008

Ken’s Cave

I have to start with a confession: I stole this cave years ago from Jerry Shapiro who owned the Bold…
Ken Kurtis
December 3, 2008