Quail Rock It was a strange sensation. It was like one minute we were diving the far reaches of the Northern Channel…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 7, 2008
The Rookery "But it's just a bunch of sand!!!"That's the most common complaint that we hear when we've done a dive in…Ken KurtisDecember 3, 2008
West End Cove Dropping down through the 60-foot visibility, I was not really paying attention where I was going and almost landed on…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 3, 2008
Blue Cavern Point While bureaucrats argue where the future of marine preserves are in Southern California, there are a few jewels of preserves…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 3, 2008
Black Cavern Santa Barbara Island (SBI) has an awful lot going for it. It's got sea lions (obviously—and probably its best-known feature)…Ken KurtisDecember 3, 2008
Wreck of the Winfield Scott It was a dark December night with pea soup fog that caused the high speed contact with the reefs of…Patrick SmithDecember 3, 2008
Ken’s Cave I have to start with a confession: I stole this cave years ago from Jerry Shapiro who owned the Bold…Ken KurtisDecember 3, 2008
Catalina’s Best Fish Dives As a child one of my earliest memories was begging my Uncle Lloyd to buy me a fish tank so…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 3, 2008
Tyler Bight Dropping down through the thick kelp the numerous black rockfish in the water column parted. The first thing that caught…Dale & Kim ShecklerDecember 3, 2008
Farnsworth’s Yellow Wall Go to Jerusalem and you'll want to see the Wailing Wall. Go to China and you'll want to see the…Ken KurtisNovember 30, 2008