Quail Rock

It was a strange sensation. It was like one minute we were diving the far reaches of the Northern Channel…
Dale & Kim Sheckler
December 7, 2008

The Rookery

"But it's just a bunch of sand!!!"That's the most common complaint that we hear when we've done a dive in…
Ken Kurtis
December 3, 2008

West End Cove

Dropping down through the 60-foot visibility, I was not really paying attention where I was going and almost landed on…
Dale & Kim Sheckler
December 3, 2008

Black Cavern

Santa Barbara Island (SBI) has an awful lot going for it. It's got sea lions (obviously—and probably its best-known feature)…
Ken Kurtis
December 3, 2008

Ken’s Cave

I have to start with a confession: I stole this cave years ago from Jerry Shapiro who owned the Bold…
Ken Kurtis
December 3, 2008

Tyler Bight

Dropping down through the thick kelp the numerous black rockfish in the water column parted. The first thing that caught…
Dale & Kim Sheckler
December 3, 2008